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CS:GO Commands

If you've grown tired of all of the people spamming insane stuff over the mic, you could use:

voice_enable 0 | 1

and bind both of those to individual keys. However, in CS:GO, there is a neat little function called


This command, as the name might give away, increments a variable and sets that value. How it works? It has four variables that have to be set:

incrementvar command minValue maxValue incrementsBy

As incrementvar is obviously needed and command is pretty self explanatory, let's go right ahead and walk through the rest of it.

incrementvar command minValue maxValue incrementsBy

minValue is the command its minimum value. For, for example, net_graph this would be 0, as 0 turns it off.

incrementvar command minValue maxValue incrementsBy

If you have to set the minimum value, you also have to set a maximum value. For net_graph this would be 3.

incrementvar command minValue maxValue incrementsBy

The Stuff You Came For

For each step in net_graph, there is new data or a new graph added. The values net_graph can contain are 0, 1, 2 and 3. Increments of 1. See what I'm getting at? So, combining everything we've just read, you'd get:

incrementvar net_graph 0 3 1

Increment the net_graph by 1, where the minimum value is 0, and the maximum value is 3. Upon reaching 3 and increment again, it skips back to the minimum value. Pretty cool huh?

But, the reason we got into this is because of annoying teammates, or worse, opponents: trash talking, blasting Hello Kitty remixes, or letting their kids go rampant on their mics. How to solve this? Simple — we use the method described above.

incrementvar voice_enable 0 1 1

Increment the value of voice_enable by 1, lowest value is 0, highest value is 0. Congratulations! You have now made a single key toggle all talking off or on!

A Single Problem

However, if there is just one user being the most annoying guy or girl ever, and the rest of your teammates is pretty cool, there is a way to mute just a specific user, without disabling their chat box (as this does happen with Valve's "Block all communication" pop-up box in the scoreboard) and that is:

voice_mute #playerID

To find someone's playerID, first type:


This could give the following list:


Duke's being a douche? Get rid of it:

voice_mute 19

All done!

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    [A] => Array
            [B] => Array

            [C] => Array
                    [D] => Array


            [G] => Array


    [E] => Array
